
Video-Game Music Registry:好きなゲーム音楽を隔日更新で紹介します。

不定期の参考資料翻訳:God of War III 音声収録の組み立て方

先に投稿した記事(#829 『Poseidon's Wrath』)にあわせて、

シニアミュージックマネージャー・Clint Bajakian氏、

ミュージックディレクター・Chuck Doud氏、コンポーザーの一人・Cris Velasco氏の、




God of War III: Assembling the Score
God of War III 音声収録の組み立て方



Clint Bajakian氏:
Senior Music Manager, SCEASCEアメリカ所属・シニアミュージックマネージャー)

Chuck Doud氏:
Music Director, SCEASCEアメリカ所属・ミュージックディレクター)

Cris Velasco氏:


<Clint Bajakian> The production for "God of War III" has been some of the most extensive that we've done for a video game.
Clint:「God of War III」のプロダクションは、今まで私たちがやってきたゲームのなかでも最も規模の大きいものの一つです。

We've got 26 hours of brass sessions we've done, we've got 12 hours with string ensembles, and we've got 20 hours with a choir.

We're recording the string and brass here with the AFofM players in San Francisco at Skywalker Sound.
ストリングスとブラスについては、サンフランシスコのSkywalker Soundアメリカの音響制作会社)にてAFofM(American Federation of Musicians:北米を本拠とするプロの演奏者たちによる音楽団体)の演奏者たちを使って収録しました。


We recorded our choir in Prague.

And we did that remotely over an internet connection essentially using a Digidesign Plug-In that allows you to monitor basically at mp3 quality in real time and give feedback as though you were there.
レコーディングはリモートで、Digidesign Plug-In(音楽制作のツール)を用いてインターネットで繋ぐ形で収録しました。mp3のクオリティでリアルタイムでモニターすることが可能で、離れていてもまるでその場にいるかのようにフィードバックを与えることができるのです。


<Chuck Doud> Skywalker Sound is my favorite place to record.
Chuck:Skywalker Soundは個人的に一番好きなレコーディング環境です。

We could actually have a full 80-piece orchestra playing together but we could go in and get this isolation.

Right, we could put the brass in one room, we could put the horns in another.

We can have, you know, a 40-piece string section out on the floor, we can have the percussion in another room.

Right, we can have the woodwinds in another, and everybody's all playing together but behind the scenes, we've got everything isolated.

So we can go out and create derivative cues, which is a lot of what we do.

So we'll have maybe 2 hours of music created for a game that has 30 hours of gameplay and we've got to take that 2 hours and turn it into maybe 4 hours of music to cover that.

It's a lot harder to do, if not impossible to do right if you've only got everybody playing together all the time.


<Clint> The music is first mocked up by the composer using samples and synthesizers.

And when we have those pieces of music and they sound roughly like a real orchestra, so that the director and we can tell where the composer is going, then those in a multi-track format end up driving the production all the way through.

Even though we may record choir on a Tuesday, if we were to record the strings for that same composition the following Friday, we would still use the synthetic choir.

We're using everything from the mock-up so that everyone's working off of the same source sound and then in the end, it's all, it all comes together in the final mix, where all the live elements are brought together.


<Cris Velasco> Even the samples are getting really really good these days.

And it makes it harder and harder as a musician and a composer to justify to these guys, "hey, we really need, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars to record the score, even though the producer may be in love with how it sounds right now."

The thing you're still missing is the emotion that comes out of these and even though it's mostly angry emotions that are happening in "God of War".
モックアップのままで何が足りないかといえば、やはり感情とか感覚的な部分で、「God of War」シリーズとなるともっぱら怒りの感情ですね。


<Chuck> Funny thing about it is, in "God of War 1", we were probably in a pre-production in about 18 months, going through different styles of music that we thought would match the game, because you could come up with something really eerie.
Chuck:何がおかしいって、「God of War」(初代)において、おそらくあのときはプリプロダクション(本番の前の準備段階)に18か月くらい費やしていて、ゲームに合いそうな、不気味なものから突飛なものまで、いろんなスタイルの音楽をあれこれと試していました。

And we spent maybe like 3 or 4 months creating a score that we thought would be really good.

We came up with 20 minutes of music that was awesome, but as soon as we popped it into the game, it got crushed by the brutality of what was going on in the game.

You know, so we took another two or three stabs at it and then we finally hit on what ultimately became the sound of "God of War".
なので、それからまた二、三度ほど挑戦し直して、試行錯誤を重ねてようやく今ある「God of War」のサウンドに辿り着きました。


You've got this super super punchy brass, that just kind of punches holes in.

You've got this undercurrent of these really moody strings and then floating on top of everything, you have the choir just kind of jumping out and ramping it up and up and up.

A lot of the influences were this heavy, kind of like, death metal music, like not for the game but once again, what was going on inside of Kratos' head.

Right, so that had to be realized with whatever kind of score we ended up creating.



